Spend a Day With Some of the Nation’s Most Exciting Innovators at X-STEM!

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As Dean Kamen, inventor of such amazing technologies as the the Segway human transporter and one of the world's most advanced robotic arm prostheses, often says: "Our nation is enamored with sports and entertainment, but how can we groom kids to become as passionate about innovation?"

At the Festival's fascinating all-day X-STEM Symposium, presented by MedImmune next spring, you'll not only meet Dean but also a compendium of other renowned STEM visionaries to explore the passion and excitement of innovation!

Prepare to be amazed and inspired as X-STEM Extreme, set for Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Washington, D.C. Convention Center, brings you up close and personal with some of the nation's most accomplished innovators and entrepreneurs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Discover how their innovations and ideas are helping to revolutionize technology, and what it takes to become an innovator in STEM!

This unforgettable, hands-on event which wowed audiences at the 2014 Festival Expo, returns again to feature interactive presentations and workshops by an exclusive group of visionaries who aim to empower and inspire middle school and high school students and others about careers in STEM.

Such high-profile role models -- representing top universities, industry, corporations, non-profit organizations and governmental agencies -- will ignite your students' curiosity through storytelling and live demonstrations in a wide range of STEM areas, including space exploration, paleontology, bio-inspired robotics, nanotechnology, marine biology, mathematics of origami, eco-friendly vehicle innovation and much, much more!
Which is why we want to be sure you don't miss out on this exciting "limited tickets only" gathering. Note: Sign up NOW on our Interest List to be notified when X-STEM registration opens!

Here are just some of the trailblazers who are sure to inspire you at the X-STEM Symposium: 

Reginald Brothers, Ph.D. – From detecting and responding to national security matters such as cyber hacking and bioterrorism, discover how this leader as Under Secretary for Science and Technology at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is using the latest in science to keep America safe!

William Gilly, Ph.D. – Get ready for an undersea adventure as this prominent marine biologist takes you inside his research of giant squid – the voracious, fast-moving sea predator that is having serious ecological impact on other sea life in the Pacific.

Irwin Jacobs, Ph.D. – Meet this mild-mannered former MIT engineering professor who co-founded the telecommunications giant Qualcomm. Learn how its technology (born from his single idea) is used on cell phones worldwide and is revolutionizing the next generation of digital devices!

Dean Kamen – He's sometimes called a modern-day Edison for the sheer number and impact of his inventions -- which range from the Segway human transporter and revolutionary robotic prosthetic arm to the iBOT battery-powered wheelchair. But in addition to his creations, get to know the man who founded FIRST, the amazing outreach movement, which is inspiring kids in robotics and other STEM areas like never before!

Vanessa Thompson – Although just 15 years old, this innovator from Los Gatos High School in California is already making her mark both nationally and internationally in a grassroots effort to make math and science more engaging for young students. Experience how her StorybookMath.org website, which has been honored for excellence by the U.S. Congress, is helping math concepts come alive for young learners through exciting, original video stories and storybook characters!

For more information on the X-STEM Extreme Symposium, including the link to bio profiles on all speakers currently scheduled, and how to view video presentations from the 2014 X-STEM Symposium sessions, click here.


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