It wasn't a snake on a plane, but still ...

How did it get between the windows?


Maybe this is why the flight attendant kept asking us to close the shades.

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This is the sort of thing that makes it easy to see why people used to believe in spontaneous generation.

Greg: Is that a cockroach?
Sandra: Yep. At least it was dead.

Sandra, how do you know what gender the roach was? Maybe it wasn't a cockroach, maybe it was henroach.

Friend who does environmental work for the Air Force told me the Air Force puts a lot of time and effort into seeing that no brown tree snakes hitch a ride on aircraft flying in the Pacific. They find a stowaway from time to time.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 27 Sep 2009 #permalink

Indeed, they keep asking us to "pull the shades down"! Especially on long haul flights, this is damn annoying!

So, this is where the insects come out of?

Where do they live? Oh gosh! I never would have thought that cockroaches even live on airplanes!
I bet NASA shuttles have their own ones! :D