Puppy Butt

For the past month, I have been living in the lab trying to cram some of my data + new data for a grant submission. I am alive right now exclusively due to the calories consumed via Mountain Dew (classic, and a wide variety of exciting flavors they have added to the collection), because I otherwise didnt eat (too busy/stressed to eat real food). So Friday night, I came home from work, sat in front of the TV and ate an entire large pepperoni and artichoke pizza and several rootbeer floats. I then slept for like 14 hours.

Yeah, science is *nothing* like meth, children.

The grant was submitted on Friday, and I get to turn around and cram a few last experiments together for a couple of paper submissions.

So I decided that I was going to use this weekend to do absolutely nothing.


That didnt work. Bored out of my skull Saturday and Sunday.

Luckily, it was BEAUTIFUL today, so I just played with Arnie ALL DAY. He has been trapped indoors for the past few months because its been over 9000 degrees outside, so he totally ate it up. I now have one pooped puppy:
Arnie is an extremely elaborate nest builder. No 'turn around three times and plop down' for him. He will spend 5-15 minutes making sure everything is perfect.

This particular nest was constructed by ripping the slipcover off of the sofa, kicking the blanket onto the floor, and positioning the throw pillow in the appropriate puppy butt location (Note: Every pillow in my house has had a puppy butt on it. Arnie thinks that is what they are for).

I tried to get a pic of him sleeping with his tongue sticking out (example) which is the cutest thing ever, but when I walked over I just got a smooshy face shot:


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Such a savage beast. You should be ashamed for harboring such a vicious baby-eater!

By Optimus Primate (not verified) on 05 Sep 2011 #permalink

PS: You should also listen to this episode of This American Life, 'cause it's got a neat story about AIDS and gossip in Africa in it.

By Optimus Primate (not verified) on 05 Sep 2011 #permalink

Here's mine (PittxLab = Pitador) when she was but a wee lass:

She still sleeps with her head back like that...I just can't ever seem to get a good shot of her doing it.

This is months later....:


And then my granddaughter feeding her out of her bowl (no food issues):

By wildlifer (not verified) on 05 Sep 2011 #permalink

I would like to go on record as being strongly in favor of more puppy posts. I have three dogs and my throw pillows have also seen their fair share of puppy butts (as well as their fair share of time inside the washing machine).

The Hellmouth systematically strips the pillow cases off The Bride's side of the bed during the day to construct a nest.

At about midnight if he gets too warm he yanks out his blanket creates a giant bagel we refer to as "the stink nest". This process is involved and very energetic.

He has an enormous comfy velvet bed....he humps it and sleeps on my legs which I guess is better than vice versa.

I noticed Arnie has been neutered.

The Bride considered Neuticles for Hell Mouth but I held out for jingle bells and that put the kibosh on the whole canine cosmetic surgery proposition.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 06 Sep 2011 #permalink

We gave the house over to the animals years ago...and if I know someone is coming over I try to flip cushions, spray fabreze cuz all our cusions are covered with puppy butt fur.. and 5 cats... and feathers from the parrot...

Aww, he's such a cutie :)

Very cute dog! You should find yourself a marathon runner as a friend and pay them to run your dog into the ground...if they can!

By Poodle Stomper (not verified) on 06 Sep 2011 #permalink

Betcha Arnie is loving this weather. I know the MissyGirl is. So am I for that matter. 9000 degrees was getting real old.