More on clean feed opposition

At last the MSM seem to be picking it up. A Perth newsmagazine has reported it unfavourably (although are Xenophon and Fielding really waiting for the results, given they are major motivators of the idea?), and an online opinion site suggests that the ultimate source of this stupidity is Clive Hamilton and the Australia Institute, a reactionary "think tank", back in 2003. And a NSW Parliamentary Library report has challenged Conroy's claim, previously challenged by Greens Senator Scott Ludlum, that this is something already in place in various other countries. The report is available online [PDF].

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"a NSW Parliamentary Library report"

Apropos of nothing in particular, I initially misread this as "a NSFW Parliamentary Library report".

By konrad_arflane (not verified) on 24 Nov 2008 #permalink

Your statement that Xenophon is a major motivator of the idea is particularly disturbing, as in the past I've always respected Xenophon (that is, compared to most politicians) and I wouldn't have expected him to go in for something like this. So for the sake of good decision-making at the next election I would like to be more informed about his role in the filtering debate, whereas the details of Fielding's role in it are not so important because he's always been nuts.

(What motivates me to comment right now, btw, is the fact that I've just linked to your coverage of this issue.)