A friendly word of advice to Ginger Taylor and Age of Autism's Kim Stagliano

Courtesy of antivaccinationist Kool Aid drinker Ginger Taylor, I saw this new term for those who argue against the scientifically dubious proposition that vaccines cause autism, specifically Paul Offit:

Vaccinianity - (Vax.e.an.eh.te) n. The worship of Vaccination. The belief that Vaccine is inherently Good and therefore cannot cause damage. If damage does occur, it is not because Vaccine was bad, but because the injured party was a poor receptacle for the inherently Good Vaccine. (ie. hanna poling was hurt when she came into contact with Vaccine, not because the Vaccine was harmful, but because her DNA was not to par or because her mitochondrial disorder was to blame.) Vaccine is presumed to have rights that supersede the rights of the individual, while the human person's rights must defer to Vaccine.

Apparently, Kim Stagliano at AoA originally coined the term. She's even quite pleased with herself about it. Now, I'm sure that Ginger and Kim think this is a hilariously spot-on term for what they perceive to be the "religion" of their enemies, but I don't think they know that a very similar term has been coined before by some particularly loathsome and despicable people. At least, I hope that they don't. Indeed, I am offering this information because I do not want to see even the AoA knuckleheads get too enthusiastic about embracing a term that has echoes of an incredibly vile philosophy, as easy a target as it would give me in the future. As wrong as they are about vaccines and autism, even antivaccinationists don't deserve that. The vile idiots who coined the similar term that I'm talking about are just that despicable, and I'd gladly give up the fun I could have using this information against Kim and Ginger because of that.

So, to Kim and Ginger, I humbly suggest one thing:

Just Google the term I'm referring to.

Take this as just a friendly word of advice to my esteemed opponents, lest they unknowingly tar themselves with a most unpleasant association. I'd hate to see them do that. From my perspective, they may deserve many other terms of opprobrium, but not that one.

No need for them to thank me, by the way. I'd do the same thing for other pseudoscientists, too, and what are friends for?

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Dang it, Orac! I was hoping that the survivalists among them would let their hair down enough to start saying "RAHOWA!" in public and really out themselves. Now they're going to be more careful.

They can't even pronounce it right (it would be vac-cin-i-an-ity, not what they suggest in the excerpt Orac quotes).

They've got the "in-anity" part down pat, though. :)

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 09 Jul 2008 #permalink

The parallels between childhood disease prevention deniers and evolutionary biology deniers are often striking, as in this case. When you want to smear the opposing point of view, simply pretend that it's a religion.

Because when push comes to shove, everybody knows deep down that religion is a bad thing.

I think you're too kind. At some level, it's all denialism - only the degrees of severity vary.

By anonimouse (not verified) on 09 Jul 2008 #permalink

Simply start using the word here in the blogosphere to refer to them, those that think vaccines are 'inherently bad', thus revering the meaning on them. A more sensible use if you ask me.

If anything you will confuse the issue so that the word becomes useless to either side and we can go back to simply calling them idiots.

And those who espouse the now long-disproved idea that it's the vaccinations could be called vaccinidiots ?

Somehow, I expect them to be unconvinced. For their sake, I hope I am wrong.

Scratch the antivax movement and you'll find a bit of white supremacism.

I wonder what Lenny Schafer thinks of Kim's cutesy neologism that she can't even pronounce.

Lenny gave it to Kim pretty well on the EoHarm board recently for Kim's pointing out to a mercury mom that she could replace her skeptical and "interfering" husband more easily than she could replace a child (bizarre thinking on Kim's part, to be sure, and typical for the Scagmom).

"an-ti-vac-cin-AN-it-y" is what you can read on "age of autism" and the "autism speaks" bulletin board every day they have new antivax-inanity.

I clicked that google search link. My eyes are bleeding now. Thanks.

Next time a 'spoiler of you dinner' or rather your dinner may end up on your laptop warning would be good. Just.... ick.

No, really, let them use it. They don't care about hurting other people. Let them sink under their own stupid.

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 09 Jul 2008 #permalink

For some the vaccine needle is just another phallic symbol that is feared at a subconscious level. Zardoz movie 1974.

"The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill!"

"Lenny gave it to Kim pretty well on the EoHarm board recently for Kim's pointing out to a mercury mom that she could replace her skeptical and "interfering" husband more easily than she could replace a child..."

Perhaps too many salcious evenings on the road with with the ever idolized DK has clouded her judgment? A sense of euphoria, if you will.

Just sayin'....

You know, I looked around on the google page Orac linked to, and I found something interesting.

One of the sites on the google result page led to the "whiterealist" forum. I went to their links page and I found something interesting. Look at the second last link on that page.

What I find amusing is that even though the white realist site and almost all of the links it has are anti-semitic to some degree, they link to a group that is ardently "pro-Isreal"...

I guess maybe they just have so much else in common? Or do they not read the links submitted to them very much?

Reynold: Many white supremacists subscribe to apocalyptic beliefs that require a (temporarily) strong state of Israel in order to facilitate the second coming of Christ or whatever.

This excerpt from a recent Age of Autism article seems to sum up the type of (il)logical leap that is involved in many anti-vaccination positions:

... the evidence that vaccine administration, especially early administration of DPT vaccine, increases the risk of developing asthma (for the purposes of simplicity, let's shorten that phrase to causes asthma for what follows) is compelling...

Regardless of whether the evidence actually is compelling (or even exists), by "shorten[ing] that phrase" vaccines have gone from increasing susceptibility to asthma to actively causing it.

By Silverloc (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Oops - my link didn't work. Here it is again.

By Silverloc (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Silverloc, one reason why the AoA article is even multiply illogical is that the DPT vaccine was replaced by the DTaP vaccine years ago.

Ooops! I meant "salacious".

I relly hve to wok on my tping skilz....

Hi, Orac. Kim here. I heard you were playing White Knight on my behalf. Thank you for your concern. My made up word (I write fiction as well as blog. Although I know you think my blogging is pure fiction.) was in response to folks having referred to the public health vaccination policy as a religion. So I toyed with many religions' names to see which would accept the "Vacci" prefix. Christianity won. Vaccinapalian didn't cut it. Vacctist sounded dumb. Vaccaism, not so much. The dots go no further than my imagination. Thanks again for your chivalrous moment. Much appreciated. You know where to find me.


All denialism and conspiracy theory eventually wends it's way back to the jews. Ant-semitism is the Ganges of irrational paranoid kookiness.

By Kerry Maxwell (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Yeah, we know where to find Stagmom, on the road having that salacious good time writing pap for the ridiculous age of autism thing. You have a child who is autistic and totally unvaccinated right Kim? And you offered to have sex in public with any scientist who would cure your daughters of autism? You realize that that's a big enough threat to keep anyone from wanting to cure autism, right?

By Try spelling i… (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Is Kim a Roman Antivaxoholic?

By Keep trying Kim (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

Is Kim a Roman Antivaxoholic?

Church of Antivaccitology.
Unadulterated stoopid.

By Eh Nonymous (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink


I'm glad you're willing to equate the belief that vaccines have saved countless lives and have an overall positive cost-benefit ratio with that of a cult. That shows the depths to which you and your ilk will sink to demonize your opponents. Not that you hadn't already shown your true colors over and over again, but than you for more iron-clad confirmation of them.

By anonimouse (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink

"Is Kim a Roman Antivaxoholic?"

No, I think she's an Antivaccifarian.

Skankliano offered to have public sex with anyone who took her daughters' diagnoses away... as long as said magician was a male.

So I guess if I'm the lucky winner I'll ask her to give BJ Handley a blumpkin while he tosses John Best's salad. Lenny would be holding the camera because we'd need proof although I'm figuring that this game probably goes on during Autism One anyway. Handley probably brings the RNA drop lube.

Have a happy Sunday.

By Hey Zeus is my… (not verified) on 13 Jul 2008 #permalink

Mike says: "The parallels between childhood disease prevention deniers and evolutionary biology deniers are often striking, as in this case. When you want to smear the opposing point of view, simply pretend that it's a religion."

Not to mention the climate change deniers, where this seems to have been a standard talking point for a while now - just accuse the opposition of being "Al Gore-worshipping global warmists" and similar terms of endearment...