Rumors Abound: The Republican VP Pick

In presidential campaigns, there's a tradition of allowing one's opponent a clear run on the night they accept their party's nomination. This time, McCain plans to air an ad congratulating Obama as he accepts the presidential nomination.

Also for several hours we've been hearing rumors that the name of the Republican VP pick will be leaked just before tonight's speech. And McCain does indeed have to make a very tough choice...


Pawlenty (age 47) would make it impossible to argue about experience to lead.

Lieberman or Ridge would mean selecting a pro-choice running mate (not to mention Lieberman ran with the Dems in '00).

Romney is another multimillionaire with $30 million in residential real estate.

So folks, who would you pick and how do you think this will play out?


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I think he has to go with Romney. He's probably the best choice, but it will be difficult for this pair to appear in touch with the American people.

How about None of the Above?

While you have probably named the choice, I can't think of a single reason that any of them would make be want to vote for McCain. And, I lost all belief in the myth of McCain the maverick of the straight talk express when I got a robo-call from him praising the environmental record of Richard Pombo.

He is not more a maverick than any other branded critter.

Bobby Jindal?

By Travis McDermott (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

I've got my fingers crossed for Giuliani, because the campaign ads would be awesome. Noun verb POW noun verb 9/11, conjunction 9/11 noun verb POW. Plus IIRC Giuliani has kind of a temper too, which has potential to be entertaining.

I'd settle for Fred Thompson, though. McCain/Thompson 2008: FEEL THE EXCITEMENT!

Sarah Palin has been suggested, but I doubt she's a serious contender being relatively inexperienced and young. Other ladies making news as possibilities are Condoleezza Rice and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but I expect Rice is too close to the Bush administration while Hutchinson seems aimed at becoming a governor.

I may be mistaken, but I do not think we'll see women on either ticket this cycle.

My guess is that he'll pick Pawlenty.

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 28 Aug 2008 #permalink

Yeah, McCain should go with Mitt. That will fetch him tons of votes in Utah ... the only state in which Bill Clinton came in 3rd place not once, but twice.
P.S. McCain is an idiot to not pick Palin. But that's good for us.