A Lot Can Happen in 19 Days

No doubt. And yet, when NC, FL, and OH appear to be shifting toward ~475 nm...



More like this

Whoa = West Virginia

Saw a bumper sticker that says it all:

McSAME and Phalin.

John McCormick

By John McCormick (not verified) on 16 Oct 2008 #permalink

Two other things could screw this up:

Obama supporters get overconfident and don't vote.

A combination of voter suppression by Republicans and voter fraud by groups like ACORN. I think it'll turn out that the "ACORN fraud" is very minor, isolated and overblown by the Republicans. And, in those states that require poll workers of both parties, it's much harder to suppress the vote of the minority party by the majority.

What we can and should do is to exercise the great privilege we all share on November 4th...