Bush Still Has 77 Days

i-ffb42d0ffce1205b151d62fd13a68ab3-bush.pngFrom the New York Times:

President Bush's aides have been scrambling to change rules and regulations on the environment, civil liberties and abortion rights, among others -- few for the good. Most presidents put on a last-minute policy stamp, but in Mr. Bush's case it is more like a wrecking ball. We fear it could take months, or years, for the next president to identify and then undo all of the damage.

In other words, regardless of the results tonight, stay vigilant.

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Actually, there is much that can be done. Tomorrow morning, Congress can impeach Bush and Cheney, remove them from office, try then for treason and war crimes, and execute them before sundown.

Then on Thursday Congress could start undoing the damage, restoring the Constitution, and pass a Constitutional amendment forbidding signing statements.

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if Barack Obama were assassinated between now and his inauguration?

By NoAstronomer (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink

Every President does this in the last days of his Administration. There's no reason to expect that Bush would be any different. There's also really not much that can be done about it.

Everyone speeds just a little. But some drive 120 miles per hour and endanger those around them. I, for one, find myself reacting differently to these two events. Orac and TomJoe: less so.