[Climate Policy] Change We Need

i-b70e721bfdee87cf9bf1d14c8356ffaf-obamaflag.pngI've joined Chris at DeSmogBlog where I will soon be posting under my own name. The first contribution deals with President Obama and climate policy. Here is an excerpt:

Let's be realistic: Past climate bills have failed mainly due to predictable attacks claiming they would damage the economy. This has been in the Republican playbook forever, and codified in the infamous Luntz memo.

Such attacks will be louder now than ever; and yet at the same time, the Congress is also more favorable than ever to change, and the momentum is immense. President Obama can finally succeed on climate policy, then, and every indicator thus far is that he will try to do so.

The central caveat here is that it's not clear how the administration will move first, although the economy and energy are known to be the top two priorities, in that order. That's why we can expect, on climate change, to see Obama focus on a single defining message: The bill will advance--not hinder--national economic interests.

Read the full post here...

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