My First Troll!

We all celebrate those moments in life that mark our growth and development - our first steps, our first words, our first kisses. We all remember that first time we rode a bike without training wheels or the first place we lived in when we moved out of our parents' house. Well, you might not know this, but bloggers have key firsts, too. There's the first post, the first comment, and, last but not least, the first troll.

That's right, someone has posted a troll comment on an Observations of a Nerd post! That means I've become just popular enough to attract the kinds of people that give us the willies at bus stations! It's a momentous moment for a little 'ole blogger like myself. And to top it off, it's a nutty, anti-science religious comment. That means I've finally become a real Science Blogger!

Here's the goods, for your enjoyment, posted on my "Why I Am Not A Darwinist" post by the esteemed "Abraham Clarke ph.D":

Darwin was wrong all along. Crick-Watsonists are the new perpetuators of the evolution hoax and
that DNA (deoxynoradrenaline)exists in "cells" and makes all life somehow magically work!
This is utter balderdash. There are no "cells" in any living creature. Science has never ever shown that "cells" or DNA exist. The whole crumbling edifice of biology has hastily thrown together a hoax to blinker people to the real world. "Cells" are nothing more than bacteria feeding on the material of our bodies. DNA is nothing but a fiction cooked up by Crick and Watson to get a Knobel prize.
There are no "cells" in the human body. It doesn't need them. There is only dead matter that the Almighty, in his infinite knowlege, has animated by putting a soul into it. The soul is electromagnetic in nature and vanishes to heaven when the body "dies". Heaven can be heard on radio telescopes. It is the background "noise" created by the big bang.
Please read the Bible and repent your sins. God loves you if you don't turn your backs on him for your fantasies of "science".

It's just too bad that I couldn't find hide nor hair of Abraham Clarke anywhere. I would love to know what his PhD, if he exists, is in.

*Sigh*. I'll always remember this moment - the day I became a real Science Blogger, important enough to troll. I better get back to work before I get all teary-eyed.


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