Publicizing Science: The Symphony of Science

We (both science bloggers and scientists) often talk about how to bring science into pop culture, both in terms of educating the public as well as making science something people like and care about. What methods work best, and how do we make science "cool" and "interesting" to everyone? What groups are doing it right? In my opinion, the Symphony of Science has hit the nail on the head.

The Symphony of Science is a musical project headed by John Boswell designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form. And, to put it simply, they're all beautiful. Here's one of my favorites:

Go check out their website for more videos/songs!

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The video is beautiful. And hopeful. I never tire of seeing it.

Thanks for posting it.

By The Gregarious… (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Thank you!! My Kids needed some inspiration and I think this was it.

By Homeschoolmomof6 (not verified) on 19 May 2010 #permalink