Georgetown University - Free Show

I personally like science AND laughing so I'm excited to see this next Friday. Thanks Brian Malow for being a part of the festival. If you can't catch his full length show on Friday, he will be performing 20 min sets at the Expo too.


As part of the inauÂgural USA SciÂence & EngiÂneerÂing FesÂtiÂval, I will be perÂformÂing 8pm, FriÂday night, OctoÂber 22, 2010, at GeorgeÂtown UniÂverÂsity - and it's free and open to the pubÂlic (that's YOU!).

For details:
RatioÂnal ComÂedy for an IrraÂtional Planet - An Evening of SciÂence Humor

My friend Norm GoldÂblatt, the Phunny PhysiÂcist, will also appear.

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