Quick updates

The University of Iowa press office did a nice story on our recent article showing "livestock-associated" S. aureus in a daycare worker in Iowa. LabSpaces covers it here.

I started a new Facebook page for our research center, the University of Iowa Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. Join up for research updates! We'll have a lot coming up this summer.

And on that note, soon we'll have a new Research Assistant starting at the Center: Megan Quick, who was featured today on in the "Photo of the Month" on the Association for Schools of Public Health website.

Have a few blog posts percolating but real life has been getting in the way; more next week!

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In a recent study comparing workers at industrial livestock operations and those employed at antibiotic-free livestock operations, researchers found that industrial workers were much more likely to carry livestock-associated strains of drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, more commonly and scarily…
I've been working on livestock-associated Staphylococcus aureus and farming now for almost a decade. In that time, work from my lab has shown that, first, the "livestock-associated" strain of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) that was found originally in Europe and then in Canada, ST398, is in…
Maryn McKenna was awesome enough to take some time out of her vacation to blog about our recent ST398 paper, finding "livestock-associated" S. aureus in a daycare worker. She raised one question I didn't really address previously, regarding our participation by kids and workers at the facility (…
One of the reasons I've not been blogging as much over the past 2 years or so is that it's been just insane in the lab. As I was still living off start-up funds and pilot grants, I didn't have anyone full-time to take care of everything, so all the work has been done by myself and a handful of…