KITP: those who came before

I now know who to blame for this science blogging thing

I was a little bit bemused when I arrived at KITP and was told, by the way, that the program needed an official blogger, and that I, for my sins and in recompense, was it.

It is all Jennifer's fault,
she thinks it is all parties and cocktails over there at twisted physics, but then someone else ends up doing the work... though I must say the wine the other night was rather excellent...

anyway, go read her rationale and general guide to physics blogging, combined with podcast and video - you might even start your own blog

actually, the QPT people, to be fair, ran a blog for their KITP program all the way back in 2005, as did the Granular Physics program

looks like the '05 strings program also had a private blog

The '08 program had a regular blog Far From Equilibrium with some nice photos.

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