Who has time for the holidays?

Mumble, mumble, stupid holidays... mumble mumble, final exams... mumble, grumble, not enough time in a day... mumble, curse, mumble...

There must be some corollary to Murphy’s law that states every time I want to do something nice for myself, I will be swamped with other things. That seems to be the theme for the entire autumn of 2008. I want to update my blog and home site, but thanks to family issues, computer problems, and class work, this fix-up keeps getting postponed.

I’d like to say that I have the solution, that I’m finally free, but the fact is, even this note is on stolen time. I have several final exams and a couple of papers to complete from now until Monday. After that, I expect a bit of the holiday rush, but that won’t be fraught with the same sense of intellectual urgency. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get some quality website work done in between rounds of shopping and baking. My head is bursting with ideas, so I’m eager to make the time to work here. Hopefully, this will be the last apology/non-update post for a long time. In the meantime, and once again, I’m sorry for the slowness.

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