The wee, tiny, little ones....

Animalcules 1.9, the carnival of microscopic life, is up on Aetiology. This is the first time I don't have anything there - just too swamped with everything. I promise I'll be good next time.

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Just what the world needs, right? There are already carnivals for medical-type follk, general science folk, the godless, philosophers. There are already carnivals about birds, cats, dogs, general multicellular animals, invertebrates. But something is missing. Oh, yes. Those poor little…
Welcome to the new edition of Animalcules! First, a few housekeeping notes. If you note the schedule, I've not yet extended it beyond June 1st. I think that, at least for the summer months, Animalcules will be a once-monthly carnival, rather than every other week. If things pick up after that…
Welcome to the introductory edition of Animalcules! Our first, and most pressing, issue is the name. As was pointed out in the comments here, there's already a monthly column in Microbe (formerly ASM News) called "Animalcules." But I still like the name, so I was thinking of incorporating…
So I have this bad habit of ending up in twitter conversations with Scicurious. Last time, I ended up looking at the taste of dolphin semen. This time I have somehow agreed to a challenge: if I get to 2000 twitter followers by the end of April, I'll do a remake of Rebecca Black's Friday. For those…