Busy Blogging Day Yesterday

Hwoosh! What a day! Hit-and-run blogging instead of a nice long post about amylase I was getting ready to write....

I went to Raleigh for lunch and to start planning for the next years' edition of the Science Blogging Anthology - stay tuned, there will be more news soon.

Of course, I was following the whole Edwards/Marcotte/McEwen saga every time I had a minute to get on the computer (which was not that much today)

Then, in the evening, we had our first Blogger MeetUp of the month. Apparently there was a game (UNC vs. Duke) going on, so not many people showed up, but we had a great time and an interesting conversation anyway.

Of the veterans, Brian Russell and Steve Cory were there.

We were joined by Billy Sugarfix, who, I understand, is quite a legend of the local music scene. He gets most traffic when he posts ads "I'll put your lyrics to music" than anything else.

Another new face is Anna Lena, poetry editor for the online Fringe Magazine which just had a new issue out with the topic of Feminism.

She is interested in adding a blog to the magazine website, as well as starting a personal blog of her own. She is wondering if she should have one blog or two, as she has two very different interests: biking and poetry. As she is interested in other local bloggers interested in the same stuff, I pointed out two local poets I could immediately think of - Billy and Erin and the local biking blogger Nicomachus.

So, we were talking about a bunch of stuff. We briefly touched on the success of the Science Blogging Conference. Of course, we had to discuss the whole campaign bloggers brouhaha as well. Then we talked about the recent effort by the local NBC affiliate to reach out to bloggers. On that topic, Brian has more and he finds another blogger's take on a similar effort by the NBC affiliate in NYC. Quite a lot of food for thought.

Next Wednesday, we go bowling. Feb 14 at 6pm at Mardi Gras lanes. There's wi-fi so bring your laptops so you can liveblog the meetup (livebowling or bowlging?).

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