
Panta Rei #5 - Chemical Sciences - is up on Nonoscience. Next edition is a Life Sciences special, planned for May 28, 2007 also at Nonoscience.

Carnival of the Godless #66 is up on The Atheist Experience.

Oekologie #5 - last call for submissions for tomorrow's edition on The Voltage Gate.

The next Carnival of the Liberals will be hosted by me on May 23rd.

The International Carnival of Pozitivities (HIV/AIDS) is now accepting submissions for its 12th edition to be published in June, 2007. on HIV Health and Support Network Community News


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Panta Rei is a new bi-weekly blog carnival that covers different scientific topic areas for each carnival, alternating between physical, chemical, and life sciences, and mathematics. The upcoming Panta Rei edition #5 will specifically cover all topics related to chemical sciences. It will be hosted…
An e-mail from Ron Hudson just popped up in my mailbox: Dear Friends of the International Carnival of Pozitivities (ICP): The 13th consecutive and first edition of Year Two of the ICP will be hosted at ScribeSpirit eZine. We, myself and the hosts Jody and Jolen, are now seeking submissions for…
Panta Rei? Sounds like Greek, you say. In fact, it is greek. Panta Rei means "everything flows" in Greek, explain Arunn and Lakshmi. It's a party where science flows free, like beer. Join the the party. Please divert all beer to the Chemical Sciences Special edition to be hosted at nonoscience on…
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