Science Communicators of North Carolina (SCONC) Goes Behind the Scenes at RTI Tuesday, June 8.

If you report, or just try to keep up to date, on research in this region, you know about RTI International. In 1958, it was the founding tenant of North Carolina's Research Triangle Park. Today it's one of the largest research institutes on the planet.

At 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 8, RTI will welcome SCONC members to its 180-acre campus to learn about efforts to solve one of the world's most pressing challenges: the need to reengineer our energy use. Come and learn about efforts to create fuel from biomass, to remove sulfur and other bad actors from coal combustion and to use nanotechnology to develop more efficient lighting systems.

RTI will provide refreshments. We'll meet in the Johnson Science and Engineering Building, # 23 on this map:

Directions to RTI are here:

Special note to non-U.S. citizens: RSVP right away so RTI can get you on a special "approved" list. Everyone else: if you can come, email Cathy Clabby by Monday June 7 at

See you there!!

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