Ada Lovelace Day - Diane Cabell

I am just back from my wedding and have a lot of catching up to do - notably I will respond to the eTech announcement of the Science Commons collaboration with Microsoft, and the small furor that my comment "there is no crowd" in science has caused.

But first things first. I'm a day late posting but I wanted to make sure I got this in.

Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology.

We are asked to blog about a female role model for us in technology. Mine's pretty easy.

Diane Cabell.

When I was a wet behind the ears kid masquerading as the assistant director at the Berkman Center, Diane taught me the ropes of cyberlaw, policy, and the real uses of technology. She also gave me a lot of advice about life. When I came back to the tech and science policy world after a sojourn in the startup world, she helped me learn about tech transfer and materials transfer agreements and more.

She's a friend, a mentor, and a teacher. I'm grateful to know her and more grateful that she decided to help me, then and now.

Thanks Diane!

This post would also be remiss if I did not give a hat tip to Gaye Stafford, who taught me how to work in a relational database while we were both in Rep. Pete Stark's office, sending me off on a journey that has had many twists and turns.

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