Sad News

From Kieran Healy I learn that Otis Dudley Duncan has died. It was Duncan who started the investigation into John Lott's mysterious survey. When Duncan first contacted me with his concerns, I found it almost impossible to conceive that someone would fabricate a survey rather then admitting to a careless error, but Duncan's insight into human nature has proven to be much better than mine. Although he preferred to stay out of the limelight, Duncan gave me the benefit of his wisdom on the Lott affair. If my writings on Lott's mysterious survey have been astute, Duncan deserves the credit. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with him.

Although he was long since retired, Duncan also recently worked on debunking some other dodgy polls, ones that purported to show wide support for the teaching of Creationism. He will be sadly missed.

Update:The New York Times has an obituary. The Humanist Society of Santa Barbara's newsletter has an appreciation.


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