links for 2009-03-15


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A Natural Scientist: In Which All's Well That Ends Well (At Work) 1. Get it in writing! 2. If you didn't get it in writing, be stubborn! (tags: work lab-life women-in-science) The Junction Potential: Electrophysiology isn't a technique you add to your CV; it's a state of being! "Not a bad idea…
At DrugMonkey, PhysioProf explores the rules of engagement between grad students in journal club and seminar presentations (building off of interesting explorations of this question from A Lady Scientist, Dr. Jekyll & Mrs. Hyde, and Acmegirl -- all of which you should click through to read in…
Matt Thurling on the concept of science.TV « Pimm - Partial immortalization "Science" seems to mean very things to scientists and non-scientists, which complicates the project of communicating about science. (tags: science-communication) Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory…
About a week ago, my brother sent me a couple of interesting papers about funding in science, one in Canada, the other in the UK. I barely had time to skim the abstracts at the time, but thought I would put it up for discussion online and come back to it later. So I posted the link, abstract and…