Alice chips in incentive to Donors Choose; and it's Annika's 8th birthday!

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgSo the t-shirts mockups are being drafted, and the numbers of kids who are being helped are increasing based on your generosity, and I'm so psyched about our high number of donors compared to blogs with many more readers. Y'all rock!

Therefore, it is high time for me to kick in my incentive. I will match ScienceWoman's 10% donation pledge. Based on the final amount of donations, which I hope will make at least $2000 from our blog readers and friends but not including SW's donation, I will add in 10% of the total, which I will add to whatever projects are closest to being funded.

In addition, I will also add a plug for the Children's Memorial Hospital where Annika is still in the PICU (it's her birthday today, she turns 8, read updates here). Parents of kids having transplants can stay at Kohl's House and they try not turn anyone away who needs to stay there. If you want to make a donation to Kohl's House, or anywhere else to Children's Memorial Hospital, you can do so here. If you're tapped out, but still want to help, giving blood to your local blood bank is even more critical, and is something I can't do to help so I will appreciate even more.


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