Quiz: Mars or Earth? (Synopsis)

"This is the plan. Get your ass to Mars, and go to the Hilton Hotel and flash the fake Brubaker I.D. at the front desk, that's all there is to it." -Hauser, Total Recall

There are many locations on Earth that look like they’d be right at home on another world. While from space, it’s incredibly evidence how different Mars and Earth are when you view the entire world, there are places on Earth that are virtually indistinguishable from our red neighbor.

Do these rocky outcroppings over an eroded, sandy valley occur on Earth or on Mars? Do these rocky outcroppings over an eroded, sandy valley occur on Earth or on Mars?

I’ve compiled 10 images that look like they could be from either Earth or Mars, and put together a fun little quiz to see if you can tell the difference. Some of these pictures might be easier than others, but a few of these have even stumped the experts: scientists who work on Mars data themselves! How well can you do?

Is this mountain vista red because of an Earthly sunset, or because of the iron-rich terrain of Mars? Is this mountain vista red because of an Earthly sunset, or because of the iron-rich terrain of Mars?

Come find out, and get all the answers, on today’s Mostly Mute Monday!

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