Bert Holldobler

Who is supposed to read The Superorganism? I can't really tell.  While I'm enjoying Holldobler & Wilson's latest tome, I am perplexed at the book's target audience.  The text switches between broadly anthropomorphic prose clearly aimed for a general audience and obtuse jargon digestible only by the experienced biologist. I get the feeling that the authors- at least one of them, anyway- desired a technical book more along the lines of Bourke & Franks, while the marketing department at Harvard University Press wished to trade on the authors' name recognition with a glossy coffee-table…
My copy arrived from Amazon the day before yesterday.  I've not given it anything more than a couple cursory thumb-throughs, but I'm immediately left with the impression of schizophrenia. The bits on social organization, behavior, communication, and levels of selection- mostly Bert Hoelldobler's sections- seem an engaging and modern review, while the chapters dealing with ant history and evolution- Wilson's area- are...  How do I say this diplomatically?  Rubbish. The past ten years have brought immeasurable advances in our knowledge of ant evolution, both in breadth and detail. …