
KK reports on the Tol vs Curry fight. Tol is complaining that Curry is doing her usual: posting about septic junk and then saying "oh but I'm just asking". Tol may have long hair but, unlike Curry, he isn't a bozo, or irresponsible (he did call me rude things in an email once, but I forgive him). [Update: incidentally, there is an interesting exchange between KK and RP Jr (!) in the comments: KK> Do you assign lousy, error-riddled textbooks for your class to read? RP> Yes, absolutely. The Skeptical Environmentalist was a core reading... It is interesting only because that was a silly…
Keith Kloor is having fun being kwuooeeeel to poor Joe Romm, simply because Romm is being an anti-scientific bozo pushing groundless fears of cancer-from-mobile-phones. Keith has a nice collection of links to sane people pointing out that there is no evidence of a problem. One of whom is Orac, in a post entertainingly entitled The bride of the son of the revenge of cell phones and cancer rises from the grave...again. And the key quote is Still, despite my trying to keep an open mind on the matter, I also don't want my mind to be so open that my brains fall out, so to speak. Alas, Romm has…
From the department for shooting fish in a barrel, David Appell has a nice post pointing out that Singer has been a bozo for years, predicting (in 1981) massive future declines in fossil oil use. This may be a good place to link to another of DA's posts, US Emissions to Stay Below Pre-Recession Peak Until 2028 which makes an interesting combination with Early Warning on US vehicle miles. More Singer-is-a-bozo stuff This is, as I said, shooting fish in a barrel. So I'll just make it an update to this post rather than a new one. DA went to a talk by Singer that was riddled with errors. One bit…