misc stuff

I haven't ranted about climate for a bit, so I think I will. Misc stuff follows, mostly commentary. APS has a nice post on "The nothing that was Climategate" (though he really needs to upgrade his colour scheme; links are hard to see). [Update: or ClimateSight perhaps; or Bart]. APS has some nice referee's quotes of his own, and links to Joe Romm. I'll get on to JR in a moment, but first I need to comment on JR's link to... [We interrupt this link to bring a minor update; Nature has a completely rubbish editorial on the subject. But RC has the correct answer. Now to return...] Robin McKie in…
More boring links blogs stuff. But just for once I do actually have something else to say, so I'll try to clear this out asap. * Do you need context to understand the CRU emails? Or can they be understood on their own? An analysis. No prizes for guessing the answer. But links to... * The secret life of bugs which is a fun analysis of how much could you understand bugs from what was recorded about them? Answer, often not much. Mind you, some of the stuff in there is weird - how does The missing link to source code change-sets is one of the most problematic omissions. For the last bug of 70% of…