
Part of my subscriptions list in Podkicker I give these podcasts $5-8 monthly. Only the HPLLP has a pay wall. The Drabblecast -- Norm Sherman produces strange stories by strange authors for strange listeners. The Geologic Podcast -- George Hrab on skepticism, music and more. The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast -- Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey on pre-WW2 horror fiction. Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff -- Kenneth Hite and Robin Laws wax eloquent and eclectic on gaming, fiction, history, occultism, books, movies, and the list just goes on. I've also been a paying member of the Planetary Society…
I love listening to podcasts during housework, commuting and travelling. I use the Podkicker app on my Android phone. Some of my current favourites are put out by the old media: NPR, CBC and BBC. But here are five faves without old-media ties. The Drabblecast. ”Strange stories by strange authors for strange listeners”, with the inimitable master of the form, Norm Sherman. Planetary Radio. All the weekly space news you need, and interviews with the scientists and engineers who make that news. Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. Role playing games, speculative fiction, history, spy thrillers,…
I've suddenly and catastrophically gotten tired of most of my favourite podcasts, removing them from the subscriptions list in Podkicker on my smartphone. It's a lot like breaking up with friends of many years, except that the podcasters' feelings are unlikely to be hurt by my faithlessness. Dear Reader, you know me. Tell me what podcasts I should try!