
"Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, amongst the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life". Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, 1962 "We live in a world which is penetrated through and through by science and which is both whole and real. We cannot turn it into a game by taking sides. . . . No one who has read a page by a good critic or a speculative scientist can ever again think that this barren choice of yes or no is all that the mind offers" Jacob Bronowski, author of Science and Human Values, 1956
tags: LBJ Journal, avian life: literary arts, nature, poetry, birds, birding I have no connection whatsoever to this new journal, but my friend, professor of poetry at KSU, Elizabeth Dodd, told me about it last night, and I am very very excited about it. There is a new biannual journal that is dedicated to birds and creative writing, The LBJ: Avian Life, Literary Arts. Those of you who are birders will recognize the title of this new journal, LBJ, as the birders' acronym for "little brown job" -- a name applied to that group of small brown birds that move quickly and are difficult to…