research on gender

New Scibling Anne Jefferson (welcome, Anne! We are neglect in our scibling hospitality, so sorry!) who blogs over at Highly Allochthonous has called out for a last hurrah for women geoscientists to fill out a survey about reading or writing blogs. Please do wander over and complete it, won't you? In addition, Academic has extended the Scientiae deadline until midnight tonight, Saturday Sept 5. Don't forget to send in your post about inspiration or desperation...
A missive from FairerScience blog guru Pat Campbell: Want a job? This is not a title you see much in this economy; but we and our partners at Northwestern have two job openings: Social Science Research Associate (5 years). and Social Scientist Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow (2 years). I am so excited about this study-- we are looking at the processes and criteria young women are using to make career decisions in the biological/biomedical sciences, especially related to academic careers, as they progress from undergraduate into PhD training, comparing students with different…
Do you know a woman in science or engineering who has taken a career break from her academic position? The NSF-ADVANCE program at George Washington University is doing a study of women in career breaks, whether voluntary or not, to understand the pipeline of women professors in science and engineering we are conducting a NSF-sponsored survey on women in career breaks. They are interested in women who have completed their PhD or DSc, have been employed in an academic setting and were, or have been, in a career break for less than five years. They are seeking to interview such women to help…