Rev. Moon

The indispensible John Gorenfeld has another great post at Talk to Action about the Rev. Moon and his close ties to social conservatives, in this case Utah Senator Orrin Hatch. Those ties go much deeper than you might expect. He includes video footage of Hatch praising Moon and his wife and details on Hatch writing a song for a Moonie project designed to eliminate the cross as a religious symbol and replace it with the Crown of Glory, the very symbol he was given in a ceremony in a Senate office building a few years ago. Before that ceremony took place, there was an earlier ceremony in…
John Gorenfeld has a video blog up at Talk to Action showing scenes from the Rev. Moon's 1996 world tour with former President George HW Bush. It shows footage of a banquet hosted by a sycophantic Pat Boone kissing up to this leader of a decidedly anti-Christian cult, and it shows a Moon conference with speakers like Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Ralph Reed. And it also shows footage of the crowning ceremony for Moon held in a Senate office building a few years ago. This is a story that absolutely needs more coverage in the media.
John Gorenfeld, who has done more than any other person I know of to expose the unbelievable activities of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has a post at Talk2Action exposing the longstanding links between the Bush family and Moon. Bush the Elder has literally travelled all over the world, being paid millions of dollars, to speak on Moon's behalf and laud him as a statesman rather than as the evil, fascist cult leader that he is. Moon has built a staggering network of organizations and ingratiated himself into the conservative think tanks and foundations by throwing hundreds of millions of dollars around…
I am happy to report that John Gorenfeld has revived his blog, I Approve This Messiah, which focuses on the activities of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. If you want to see something absolutely stunning, watch this video of Moon being crowned in a ceremony at the Senate office building in Washington DC. This is a propaganda video put out by the Unification Church, lauding the fact that more than 80 legislators and ambassadors were present for this crowning.
I haven't written much about the Rev. Moon since moving to ScienceBlogs, mostly because he's been pretty quiet over the last few months (those interested in my previous posts on the subject can go here). Robert Parry, an investigative reporter who has followed Moon very closely over the years, has a new article about Moon's recent activities, including donating a million dollars to the George H.W. Bush presidential library. The article also has an overview of Moon's history of buying influence and access to our government and how his money has flowed through the religious right in particular…