ScienceOnline London 2010

I was a (proud!) speaker at ScienceOnline London 2008 -- which would not have happened without my readers' kind and generous support! However, when I was in London, I was given a t-shirt as part of the goody bag that was, to put it politely, a tad small. Okay, it was smaller than a "tad small": even though it was a "medium" size -- yes, I do wear medium and have lots of room left over, too -- this t-shirt was so small that my not-huge-at-all boobs emphasized certain portions of the "ScienceOnline London" phrase. It scared me so much that the t-shirt and I parted company before I relocated to…
You might not be aware of this, but there will be a Science Online London 2010! It is being scheduled as I write and will be held at the British Library on 3-4 September 2010, and YES! I will be there! (I am so excited!) As a blog reader, you are eagerly invited to suggestion session topics on the SciOnlineLondon wiki. Who knows? Maybe I'll be so lucky as to be asked to speak! (Yes, I would love that!) Here's a topic that was suggested by my featherless slave: why SHOULD science blog writers be provided access to embargoed materials -- just like [OMG!!] FUR REALZ journalists! (Especially when…