
A missile was, allegedly, fired off the California coast, near Los Angeles monday night, to some consternation. It was most likely a US Navy launch of a realistic target missile for an Anti-Ballistic Missile test underway over the last few days with the Japanese Navy. It was, most certainly, despite any denials and claims from the Navy, a US Navy missile, probably being fired as part of an interesting ongoing exercise. NBC video with video from CBS traffic helicopter. Notice to Mariners, 45/2010 has a clear warning: 434/10(18). EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC. CALIFORNIA. MISSILES. 1.…
Talking to submarines is a very a tricky business - most communication systems are based on radio or acoustic signals, but neither travel very far in water. This means that to pick up radio signals, submarines must surface or raise communication buoys very close to the surface, neither of which are appropriate for nuclear-powered stealth submarines that remain deep underwater for months at a time. Radio operators can overcome the problem of poor signal penetration by using giant arrays broadcasting in extremely-low frequency ranges, but these are expensive, difficult to build, and…