
OK, first off an apology for this week: I will be kind of crazy busy while in Davis - two papers to churn through so we can get them submitted sometime this summer, so blogging may be minimal. So, remember, whenever you hear people talk about how professors have it easy because they get the summer "off" ... Second off, another apology: Dr. Ed Kohut went to Boston College, not Boston University. You would have thought I could keep that straight, but alas, I confuse my Eagles with my Terriers. Mea culpa to all! Anyway, I have to send out a hearty congratulations to Boris Behncke destroying my…
Mixing volcanoes and oceans seem to always produce exciting results. Whether it is something as simple as the ocean entry of a lava to something as impressive as a new island emerging, formed by volcanic eruption. Back in the 1960s, a previous unknown undersea volcano off the coast of Iceland erupted to form the island of Surtsey. The signs of the impending eruption were captured from start to finish, with Icelandic fisherman noticing "boiling seas", then steam explosions, then ash eruptions and finally volcanic tephra that formed the island itself. This was followed by lava flows and…