
I have a project that I could use your help on. Yes... you! If that didn't get you excited I'm not sure what will ;) Here's the essentials from the wiki: Welcome to the Help Steve get his Ph.D. Wiki This project aims to collect as many distinct scene gists as possible (as a first step - the later steps are classified at the moment!). These are separated into two categories, Scene Gist and Social Gist. A Scene gist is the basic name or category for a scene that does not consist of any humans. You should be able to name the scene nearly instantly as soon as you look at it. For example a jail…
We want your opinion! This survey attempts to access the opinions of bloggers, blog-readers, and non-blog folk in regards to the impact of blogs on the outside world. The authors of the survey (from are completing an academic manuscript on the impact of science blogging and this survey will provide invaluable data to answer the following questions: Who reads or writes blogs? What are the perceptions of blogging, and what are the views of those who read blogs? How do academics and others perceive science blogging? What, if any, influence does science blogging have on…
I've put a voting widget in the side bar over there on the left. It will let you vote once a month until the election (I think). for your favorite candidate and lets see who wins here at Omni Brain! I promise... we'll keep our voting system just as secure as Diebold! No need to worry, your votes are secure with us!
I need a new phone and it just so happens that the new iPhone is coming out very soon. So the question is..."> Here's some stats that might help you decide: Feel free to leave comments telling me why not to buy it as well ;)
I started a thread on the old Omni Brain asking what the coolest name in science was. These are a few we came up with: James Intrilligator (Psychology - vision) Ray Jackendoff (Psychology - language) Dr Martin S. Angst (Neuroscience - Pain) Dr Jules Angst (Psychiatry) There are some great names out there yet to be discovered! Share your favorites?
As an academic your currency is your reputation, and how often your papers get cited (well assuming they aren't citing you for making up data). The inevitable result of this are battles of ideas being fought out at conferences, in special issues of journals and in review articles. If you discover something interesting and the mechanisms are not clearly visible (as they usually are not - especially in something like psychology!) other scientists begin to attack you - especially if your new idea challenges theirs! In the science of the brain there are a few debates that immediately come to…
Ohh boy... I've seen this kind of thing before - but it's always shocking anyway. I know they must interview a whole bunch of people and only put the biggest idiots in - which you could do in any country, but still... idiots! haha -UPDATE Below the fold- Thanks entitlement for this funny video :) More evidence that people in the U.S. are stupid...">">">"> Vote to see the results :) Or if you've already answered the survey the link to the results is below the fold. (p.s. we can't see who votes for what - so don't worry too much about your privacy - I'm not saying the Dept. of Homeland Security isn't watching though.) Here are the results so far...