sydney writers festival

The articles discussed in the Sydney Writer's Festival panel are now available on line: Sharon Beder examines the global warming sceptics' bag of tricks. David Spratt on why the climate catastrophe leaves no room for pragmatism My article (on blogging about global warming). The posts discussed are on Michael Duffy and on Andrew Bolt.
Andrew Bolt is giving our little panel at the Sydney Writer's Festival some free publicity, describing it as "That baaing sound of writers debating" and as an "ABC-style "debate"". Which is odd, because he's on the ABC all the time and this panel is Bolt-free. And while I was turning over the rocks at Bolt's blog I cam across this post, where he argues that because "polls show fewer men are excited by the issue (of climate change)", that this further evidence, of course, that the great global warming scare is fundamentally irrational. And then Pick a woman, and you run a comparatively…