
Dr. Frank van Breukelen, Comparative Physiologist, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dr. Frank van Breukelen is an Associate Professor in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He was invited to tell us about a new research project in this laboratory about some really cool mammals called tenrecs. Here is the post: In a recent post, Dr. Dolittle mentioned a talk that we gave at the Experimental Biology meetings in Boston. We discussed some of our recent data on tenrecs in a symposium about physiological plasticity- the ability of an animal to change its physiology…
While we usually bring you hard-hitting, fact-based (like pleather is leather-based) news, sometimes we stumble across something that is simply news to us. In this case, it's the existence of what appears to be a cross between a colorful sea slug and a shrew called a Lowland Streaked Tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus). Since these pictures in and of themselves aren't much of a post, please gather round the campfire for a bit more info on tenrecs. As any self-respecting pretend biologist can tell you, tenrecs are a distinct family of mammals that spent the last few million years evolving…