time warp

This April, Jeff Lieberman, artist, scientist and host of Discovery Channel's "Time Warp", will be performing at the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival with his show "Beyond Your Imagination". In "Beyond Your Imagination", Lieberman will give you a tour like no other - a tour of yourself. Using advanced technologies and scientific discoveries, we will see just how amazing you are - beyond anything you could imagine! Lieberman explains that "Science doesn't just tell us about the world outside -- it also reveals a deeper understanding of who we are as human beings, and how we see the…
Time Warp is this Discovery channel show that makes slow motion videos of stuff. Not too bad of a show (although I already talked about the samurai guy and "waves of energy"). Professor splash is this guy that jumps from really high positions and lands in 1 foot of water (and doesn't die). He was on Time Warp last night. If you are interested in this, I did an explanation of how it works in a previous post. The Physics of Professor Splash's Jump into 1 foot of water I haven't watched the whole show yet - but I did TiVo it. If there is any thing interesting to analyze, I will post that…
I am sure I have mentioned the Discovery show Time Warp before. The basic idea of the show is to find how many cool things they can look at with an ultra slow motion video camera (btw - this is on my christmas list). So, I have seen this Samurai guy on the show twice. Yes, he has a big sword. Yes, he could utterly destroy me if he wished. However, I can not handle him talking about physics. Mr. Samurai guy, please stop using the words "kinetic energy" until you know what they mean (I said please). Here is my first problem. Samurai guy is showing how to chop people down. He plans to…
I just watched two episodes of the discovery show [Time Warp](http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/time-warp/time-warp.html). Really an interesting show. There are many videos that I could see some analysis project for (too bad I am like 20 projects behind schedule - I think of things faster than I can do them). There is one problem though. It seems like all of the people on the show like to use physics terms, but they use them incorrectly. This DRIVES ME NUTS. You can't have "energy going this way". Energy is a scalar, not a vector. You can't have "force flowing through this". You can't "put…