
KK reports on the Tol vs Curry fight. Tol is complaining that Curry is doing her usual: posting about septic junk and then saying "oh but I'm just asking". Tol may have long hair but, unlike Curry, he isn't a bozo, or irresponsible (he did call me rude things in an email once, but I forgive him). [Update: incidentally, there is an interesting exchange between KK and RP Jr (!) in the comments: KK> Do you assign lousy, error-riddled textbooks for your class to read? RP> Yes, absolutely. The Skeptical Environmentalist was a core reading... It is interesting only because that was a silly…
Poor Richard Tol. He has been invited (nominated by the Oirish Gummit, apparently) to be a convening author, though only for WG II. But all he can do is whinge that "Political interference in the IPCC continues" because they won't provide him a blank cheque for his travel costs. Diddums. I'm sure you can all see the interference inherent in the system. Still, at least he is better than RP Jr, who refuses (for some reason he does not trouble to explain) to take part. So he can be outside the tent pissing in, would be my guess. Or he might be jealous of Tol getting *convening* lead author,…