Worth reading: Racism, fighting epidemics, and environmental justice in Cleveland

A few of the recent pieces I’ve liked:

Clint Smith at the New Yorker: Racism, Stress, and Black Death

Maryn McKenna at Germination: CDC Director: ‘This Is No Way to Fight an Epidemic’

Natasha Geiling at ThinkProgress: Cleveland Is Not The Place For Mocking Environmental Justice

Jennifer Adaeze Okwerekwu at STAT: Why don’t medical schools teach us to confront racism and police brutality?

Dan Diamond at POLITICO: Pulse Check: Why Obama's 'public option' may disappoint (the complete podcast is well worth a listen)

Anne Friedman at The Cut: Injured at Work? Your Gender Could Affect How Much You’re Paid.

Also, a bit of self-promotion: I wrote “Less Stigma, Better Patient Care for Lesbian and Bisexual Women” for the blog Girl w/ Pen.

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