3rd Annual 3 Quarks Daily Prize in Science

i-f6e543fc61317c0fbce4596fc4036da0-3qd 2011 announcement.gifThe always-fantastic blog 3 Quarks Daily has opened up nominations for its third annual prize in science blogging. This year, the contest will be judged by Lisa Randall, and there will be three winners.

Posts can be nominated by bloggers or readers, and if any of you wanted to nominate one of my posts I would be grateful. Or, of course, nominate any other!

Here are the relevant details:

  • Please nominate your favorite science blog entry by placing the URL for the blog post (the permalink) in the comments section of this post. You can also add a brief comment describing the entry and saying why you think it should win, though this is entirely optional.
  • Each person can only nominate one blog post.
  • The blog entry may not be more than a year old. In other words, it must have been written after May 23, 2010.
  • Nominations are limited to the first 200 entries. (So act fast!)
  • I was a finalist in last year's competition for this post on oral sex in fruitbats; with your help, I hope to become a finalist again, and perhaps win the "Top," "Strange," or "Charm" Quark awards!

    Again, here is the link to the post where nominations can be made.


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