Next Scientiae Will Be Here and the Topic Is...

It's never too early to start thinking about the next Scientiae...which is scheduled for September 1, right here at my place.

Is there a theme? Yes, there's a theme. The theme is....UNLEASH.

That's right. You heard me. Unleash.

What in your life feels locked down and caged in, in need of unleashing? What do you hold inside, unwilling or unable to vent? Does something make you so angry you think it might just destroy the world if you let it out?

Or, what fantastic scientific avenue or byway would you be traveling even now, if not for the nefarious funding system? the machinations of scheming co-workers? the demands of Volde-boss?

Or, what creative impulse in you yearns to be fulfilled? Would you, right now, be touring as an international accordion-and-fretted-zither superstar if you were not chained to your lab bench?

You get the picture. Something in you wants to be, needs to be unleashed. What is it? What keeps it under wraps and why? What would happen if you let it out to play?

Please submit your posts by the usual methods, and try to get them in by, oh, say by 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on August 31st.

The carnival will appear on or about September 1st. Uncertainty in exact date/time due to: Labor Day weekend, and/or whether or not I am suffering from migraine during the time I need to be creating the carnival. If it's not up right on the 1st, please have patience.

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