Vox Day is a White Nationalist, who'd have thought?

We've mocked Vox Day in the past for his creationism, his sexism, and his general stupidity which is of course matched with the usual crank traits of egotism, and unshakeable certainty. Today though, I he's apparently gotten even worse, endorsing white nationalism and defending the anti-Obama secessionists. His essay, in essence, says the only thing keeping him from migrating to a new country is there just isn't anywhere left that's all white. Via rightwingwatch:

Is the secession of several American states truly unthinkable? Is the breakup of the United States of America really outside the boundaries of historically reasonable possibility?
They mock the secessionist petitioners in Texas and other states, celebrate the infestation of even the smallest American heartland towns by African, Asian and Aztec cultures, and engage in ruthless doublethink as they worship at the altar of a false and entirely nonexistent equality.
This is especially true given that the English people and the Scottish people have far more in common than Americans do with the tens of millions of post-1965 immigrants from various non-European nations around the world, or their urban enablers. The fact that the future citizens of Aztlán are presently content to continue collecting tribute in the form of state and federal largesse does not mean that they will refrain from exerting the political muscle that their growing demographic weight provides them once the contracting economy brings the gravy train to an end.

It also seems unlikely that the millions of Americans who have moved away from declining school systems, who have retreated from an increasingly vibrant communities, and who have fled from high-tax jurisdictions will continue to retreat as the people who destroyed their schools, their communities and their state budgets attempt to follow them.

They will not because they cannot. The frontiers are closed. There is nowhere else to go.
This is why it doesn’t matter if one considers the birth of an American Independence Party to be desirable or not; it is inevitable.

You see? Behind all this secessionist talk, the birtherism, the immigration lunacy, it's just racism. Vox Day has now come out as a white nationalist. This is what they really believe. They believe equality is false. They believe all our problems are caused by nonwhites. He calls for the formation of a independence party to slow the "infestation" by non-whites, because there is no geographic escape from them anymore. There's a name for this political philosophy. It's called white nationalism. World Nut Daily, and Vox Day, have shown their true stripes.

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As he's for "whites only" states, I guess he'll have to move to Montana and Wyoming, as the traditional southern states are flooded for some reason with non-whites. Might have to do something with someone importing them by the shipload.
I can't wait for his second creed "How to to rid the PISS (poor independent southern states) of all those non-white or liberal or homosexual or union or catholic or jewish or muslim people who mistakenly believe they are citizens".

Maybe he can move to the Arctic Ocean, where all the polar bear residents are white.

By Nathanael (not verified) on 03 Dec 2012 #permalink

Alas, Nathanael, it turns out that polar bear skin is black under than fur. There's no escape for folks like VD.

People say that there’s this RACISM problem. People say that this RACISM problem will be solved when the developing world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve the RACISM problem by bringing in millions of non-white people and “assimilating” with them.
People say that the final solution to the RACISM problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries (along with EVERY white community and white institution) to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry & amalgamate with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACISM problem and this RACISM problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACISM problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

By Walter "Heisen… (not verified) on 03 Dec 2012 #permalink

I bet Thanksgiving is interesting at your house.

My brain is still oscillating from trying to make sense of "who have retreated from an increasingly vibrant communities", not to mention equating high taxes with poor schools. I don't want even a taste of whatever it is he's taking.

That is one insane, paranoid article. Whites have had it so easy in this country for so long, it's amazing to see how even minor impositions or increasing equality of non-whites is seen as such a threat. "oh noes, Jamie Foxx, playing a slave, says he likes killing white people! It's incitement to violence! ". That's insulting to the real struggles of blacks and other groups who had to deal with real incitement to violence by groups like the KKK, church bombings, lynchings etc. The comments, about inglorious basterds are also particularly telling. I'm not saying you are Neo-Nazis, but you sound awfully alike.

the only thing keeping him from migrating to a new country is there just isn’t anywhere left that’s all white.


By wereatheist (not verified) on 04 Dec 2012 #permalink

blockquote fail .(

By wereatheist (not verified) on 04 Dec 2012 #permalink

Here in West Michigan ordinary racism, of the level demonstrated by good ol' walter a couple posts up, is quite common. What I haven't seen locally is the combination white-hot racism and stupidity vox demonstrates. It may exist, but if it does it still isn't at the level of acceptance it would need in order to be publicly voiced.

Let him "do the experiment": Surely there are enough "white nataionalists" around that they can scrape together the money to buy a few square miles somewhere and build a closed community in such a manner as to be exempt from anti-discrimination laws. (For example organize it as a religious community, but forfeit the tax exemption: churches have a 1st Amendment right to discriminate but lose their tax exemption for doing so.)

That would make them happy, and remove them from our midst.

In exchange for the zoning permissions needed to set themselves up as a segregated community, the law should insist on a few things in return. One is that all members of any such closed community should have the right and the means to leave if they choose, without penalty or coercion. Two is that there should be unrestricted access to external communications networks (postal, telephone, and internet). These two items are "anti-cult provisions" to protect members (and particularly their children) from abuse.

Another major benefit of self-segregated communities is that racists who would otherwise insist upon inflicting themselves on society at-large can be told that if they don't like living in the integrated world, they can go live in a self-segregated private community.

Win-win solution. The racists get to have their segregation, and the rest of us won't have to deal with them.

So "white nationalism" is bad, does that mean the "black panthers" are bad, too?

By Vince Whirlwind (not verified) on 04 Dec 2012 #permalink

Whites BUILT modern America. White ancestors did not work hard for the next generation to give the US away to non-Whites. (Only 2% of slave owners were White, and Jews owned most of the slave ships)

Whites have brought freedom of speech and democratic values and freed slaves wherever they go, prevented tribal wars between natives, cured diseases through medicine, as well as raise living standards of ALL races.

Non-Whites ADDED a little. (Including increased crime, new diseases, different customs, different habits, an increased tax burden, anti-White hatred, and an entitlement mentality)

You can't maintain a 1st world nation with low IQ, 3rd world immigrants. High national IQ corresponds strongly to a high average living. (Science is not racist)

Racially diverse societies are a HUGE source of tension and conflict. Racially homogenous societies don't suffer from racism and the BILLIONS spent annually on racism lawsuits.

If diversity was so natural, why are BILLIONS spent annually on Diversity programs, Tolerance programs, etc., and yet NO improvements have been forthcoming?

Science has proven (see Harvard Professor Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone) that people in diverse societies:
1. TRUST EACHOTHER LESS (including their own race),
3. are LESS HAPPY.


Where are non-Whites going to get their welfare from when Whites become a minority? No welfare = HUGE non-White Hispanic and Black riots.

Non-Whites love White societies because Whites build the most desirable societies.

Only Whites are crazy enough to spend BILLIONS on illegal immigrant welfare. No other race is stupid enough to do that.

Whites altruistic behavior, compassion, and moral universalism is destroying their own civilization.

Will non-Whites give Whites minority benefits when Whites become a minority? NOPE !

Many Whites hate on their own race (Most are Liberals and have been instilled with WHITE GUILT by the anti-White media ). Liberals appeal to EMOTION, not SCIENCE.

Would America have become a first world nation if Whites had never colonized it? NOPE !

Most White immigrants assimilate after one generation. Most non-Whites never assimilate.

Different races are suited to being governed by different sets of laws that suit their own racial attributes. Some races are COLLECTIVISTIC ex. Chinese; some races are INDIVIDUALISTIC ex. Whites.

Liberals LOVE diversity, but usually choose to live in White neighborhoods.

Many Whites STILL don't understand, non-Whites view their own race as their nation. Blood is thicker than water. Nationalism trumps patriotism.

Racial diversity usually means = less Whites = more crime = more poverty.

The USA is dying BECAUSE OF RACIAL DIVERSITY AND INCREASING NUMBERS OF LOW IQ IMMIGRANTS! Taiwan, Japan, and China are thriving because they are racially homogenous, high IQ societies.

Will the USA still be a 1st world country when Whites become a minority? NOPE!

If Liberals love diversity, why don't they help 'law-abiding' Blacks build their own 1st world nation, and then allow Blacks to maintain it by themselves?

By Gary John (not verified) on 05 Dec 2012 #permalink

Whites BUILT modern America. White ancestors did not work hard for the next generation to give the US away to non-Whites. (Only 2% of slave owners were White, and Jews owned most of the slave ships)

Whites have brought freedom of speech and democratic values and freed slaves wherever they go, prevented tribal wars between natives, cured diseases through medicine, as well as raise living standards of ALL races.

Except when they first enslaved them. The attempt to blame the Jews for slavery is fascinating though. Bigotry knows no bounds

Non-Whites ADDED a little. (Including increased crime, new diseases, different customs, different habits, an increased tax burden, anti-White hatred, and an entitlement mentality)

You can’t maintain a 1st world nation with low IQ, 3rd world immigrants. High national IQ corresponds strongly to a high average living. (Science is not racist)

Actually if you read Mismeasure of Man you will find instances, including the Bell Curve, in which science has been racist. Science is a human endeavor and subject to human biases, including the belief in one's racial superiority. Attempts to show racial differences in IQ have been repeatedly shown to be flawed due to this bias, and the claim does not stand among reputable scientists. Given this has been an immigrant country for the last 400 years of our existence, it's particularly confusing to say you can't have a 1st world country with immigration (especially since your idea everyone but whites has lower IQ is bogus).

Racially diverse societies are a HUGE source of tension and conflict. Racially homogenous societies don’t suffer from racism and the BILLIONS spent annually on racism lawsuits.

I think it would be hard to consider our society, which is racially diverse, as an example of tension and conflict. We had tension and conflict when we had oppressive policies towards other races, but modern America is an example of the potential success of a diverse, pluralistic society.

If diversity was so natural, why are BILLIONS spent annually on Diversity programs, Tolerance programs, etc., and yet NO improvements have been forthcoming?

These are spent due to the history of white supremacists (like you) oppressing other races, and the resulting institutional racism. I think there have been improvements, most measurably, a black president. Surely evidence that 53% of the country has improved in tolerance towards blacks somewhat in the last 50 years.

Science has proven (see Harvard Professor Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone) that people in diverse societies:
1. TRUST EACHOTHER LESS (including their own race),
3. are LESS HAPPY.


Where are non-Whites going to get their welfare from when Whites become a minority? No welfare = HUGE non-White Hispanic and Black riots.

More whites, in absolute numbers of course, are on welfare. I don't think it's a pure minority problem, whatever the voices are telling you. And it's funny, I don't see Putnam blaming race for these problems, instead he blames decreased social cohesion from group activities due to technologies which discourage in-person social interaction.

Uggh, this is awful, let's skip down.

Oh I like this one:

Would America have become a first world nation if Whites had never colonized it? NOPE !

Because there are no non-white first world nations? Japan anyone?

Most White immigrants assimilate after one generation. Most non-Whites never assimilate.

Pure bull.

Different races are suited to being governed by different sets of laws that suit their own racial attributes. Some races are COLLECTIVISTIC ex. Chinese; some races are INDIVIDUALISTIC ex. Whites.

Now totally insane. This is a failure to differentiate between cultural and "racial" attributes.

Liberals LOVE diversity, but usually choose to live in White neighborhoods.

Many Whites STILL don’t understand, non-Whites view their own race as their nation. Blood is thicker than water. Nationalism trumps patriotism.

Racial diversity usually means = less Whites = more crime = more poverty.

The USA is dying BECAUSE OF RACIAL DIVERSITY AND INCREASING NUMBERS OF LOW IQ IMMIGRANTS! Taiwan, Japan, and China are thriving because they are racially homogenous, high IQ societies.

Will the USA still be a 1st world country when Whites become a minority? NOPE!

If Liberals love diversity, why don’t they help ‘law-abiding’ Blacks build their own 1st world nation, and then allow Blacks to maintain it by themselves?

Another visit by a white nationalist. I think it means, however, that my description of Vox Day as a racist promoting white nationalism is correct, when you see the defense of the position consists of more racist nonsense.

By the way, I put up with a lot in my comments, but this white nationalist crap turns my stomach. It's clear, you guys just hate black people. Try to gussy it up by claiming it's "science", the usual garbage pre-debunked by Gould in 1984, yada yada. I'm only leaving these up because they're demonstrative that the problem is racism. However, we do not argue with cranks here, and I'm not interested in allowing this thread to be overrun by racist morons. That will be all.

Just looked again: what's up with the Aztec reference in

celebrate the infestation of even the smallest American heartland towns by African, Asian and Aztec cultures,

And I don't get this:

... the millions of Americans who have moved away from declining school systems, who have retreated from an increasingly vibrant communities

Moving away from vibrant communities?

Is the clown who wrote this as crappy a writer as he is a "thinker"?

All walls of my home are WHYTE, but whens I kicks'em with the soles of my BLAKC boots them walls BLAKCEN too!
This is a conspiracy for sure and them soul masicians are in on it together with them shoemaker JUIWES.
And all you can do when I point out this truth, is accuse me of being anti semantic!

By Walter 'methhe… (not verified) on 07 Dec 2012 #permalink

Actually, it is my information that Howard Beale (Vox Dei's real name) lives in England.

The best argument against the superiority of the "white race" is the quality of the COMMENTS by WHITE supremacists.

By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 10 Dec 2012 #permalink


Just looked again: what’s up with the Aztec reference

He wants to say "f-ing Mexicans," but he's trying not to sound biologically racist, and he doesn't want to diss the part of Mexican culture that was inherited from white people. So it's "f-ing Aztecs" instead.

Of course there were like half a dozen major civilized cultures besides the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mexico but Vox Day doesn't have time to bother with details, he's too busy investigating whether the hearts of Aryan children are being offered to Tezcatlipoca in the back of his neighborhood Chipotle.

By Anton Mates (not verified) on 10 Dec 2012 #permalink

So how come white societies are expected to assimilate as many non-whites as possible when no such demands are being made of non-white societies, such as India, Nigeria, or Iran?

I don't think the assertion, "these countries would be much better off if they just assimilated more white people" would wash very well, so why are we expected to put up with the converse assertion from the leftwing idiots trying to destroy our society from within?

By Vince Whirlwind (not verified) on 10 Dec 2012 #permalink

Because we're the United States, and we were founded by immigrants. what other countries do is irrelevant to this discussion. Further, I'm not interested in arguing eith racists and white supremacists. Go away.

Sorry to come so late to the party, but I just want to note the following: the poster known as Gary John, after a prolonged panegyric praising what he calls "Whites," then goes on to call these paragons of purity "crazy" and "stupid" in comparison to non-"Whites". Goodness me, but Gary John does seem to think these "Whites" are actually inferior to those non-"Whites"! SHAME ON YOU, GARY JOHN, FOR YOUR BELITTLING OF "WHITES"!!