RFK Jr thimerosal slapdown

Well, Orac got dragged into it. While I only briefly mentioned RFK Jr.'s nonsense here, Orac's done a more thorough rebuttal here, complete with lots of links to his older posts on thimerosal/autism. And like PZ, political lines don't stop me from pointing out mistakes either.

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Tara, the first link in your post seems to be broken.

Dr Smith, I really enjoyed your interview on Daily Kos; lot of good information there. I'd suggest that you advertise it more prominently. I'll do so over at my blog, too, for what my traffic is worth.

I'm neither a microbiologist nor a public health prof, but I've gained a healthy interest in your blog and ID (infectious diseases, in this case!) issues since reading Laurie Garrett's, The Coming Plague, and, Betrayal of Trust. Keep up the great work and don't let the trolls bring you down.

Thanks--I appreciate it. I did mention the interview when it was new; maybe I'll put it in the "about" section for others to find.