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Pediatric Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds

Tangled Bank

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Just to update, some carnivals I missed while I was out... Grand Rounds Pediatric Grand Rounds Mendel's Garden (new genetics carnival) Tangled Bank
Today's Tangled Bank has just gone up over at The Voltage Gate; this week's Grand Rounds is up at vitum medicinus, and Pediatric Grand Rounds can be found over at Parenting Solved.
I've been remiss in linking carnivals lately, but here are a few fresh this week: Tangled Bank #79 at Epigenetics News Pediatric Grand Rounds can be found at The Wait and The Wonder And Grand Rounds is up over at The Blog that Ate Manhattan.
Tangled Bank #81 is up on Behavioral Biology Blog (darn, I forgot to send my entry this time). Grand Rounds Vol 3., No. 37 are up on Inside Surgery. Pediatric Grand Rounds 2:4 are up on Adventures of An Awesome (Sometimes) Mother. Bio::Blogs #11 is up on Nodalpoint. The Festival of the Trees 12 -…