Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to kill Anopheles we go

As good news surfaces regarding a new (well, old) potential drug to help combat malaria--a drug already used to treat river blindness--KeithB and Phil Scheibel alerted me to another old malaria fighter featuring Dopey, Sneezy, and the whole gang:

Other Disney disease-fighting videos include Water, Friend or Enemy, Insects as Carriers of Disease and Hookworm. A list of other wartime shorts is here.

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Tiny criminal lol

When I was a kid in Colombia I used to love these film to pieces!

By German Santanilla (not verified) on 08 Jul 2011 #permalink

That is an adorable and informative video but the potential drug to combat this disease is very exciting and hopeful! Please keep us posted on this new drug.