Great Plains Emerging Infectious Diseases Conference--Registration Open

I mentioned last month that we are planning an Emerging Diseases conference here in April. Things are moving quickly and registration is now open (here). Abstract submission is also up and running here.

The details:

Oral and poster presentation research abstracts are due by 5:00pm on March 23, 2012. Individuals may submit up to two research abstracts. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words in length. There are a limited number of spots available for those interested in providing a 15-minute oral presentation. Abstracts submitted for oral presentations that are not selected for a talk will automatically be considered for the poster session. Please do not submit an abstract if your attendance is questionable. Confirmation of participation must be received no later than April 1, 2012.

Monetary awards will be conferred upon the top three student presentations (oral or poster).

Authors will be notified of the review committee's decision by April 2, 2012.

If you have any questions regarding the conference, registration, or abstract submission, drop me a line or visit the conference website. We're also still accepting ideas for breakout sessions in an unconference format, so feel free to contact me about thoughts for those as well. Hope to see some of you there!

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