Plastics make you fat too? Angrytoxicologist reboots.

Well, if MacGuire was talking about getting into toxicology research on plastics, he was right on. EHP has published a study showing that the additive BPA can cause cells to suppress adiponectin. That would cause insensitivity to insulin and may be behind "metabolic syndrome". Let's pause for a moment and think about that name. That's got to be the worst name for a syndrome ever. It could only be more vague by being called 'syndrome'. I prefer something that creates a nice visual, like bronchiolitis obliterans. Nothing like an obliterated lung to get your attention. I propose cardiolipoinsulinobesity disease. Hmmm...okay, we'll stick with metabolic syndrome...or the slightly more technical, "F'ed up". Seriously, it's also called insulin resistance syndrome. It's symptoms include obesity, heart disease, diabetes, general inflammation, prothrombic state (meaning you're more likely to stroke out). Sweet.

It's not clear how the BPA does this, though it's likely due to it's ability to disrupt hormones. In the study, estradiol (the potent estrogen) had the same effects on breast and abdominal fat tissue. They used human fat tissues that were removed from patients undergoing other procedures. The one issue I have here is that it may be that those undergoing the procedures have cells that react differently than the rest of the population. The samples came from patients getting breast reduction sugery, a tummy tuck, or gastric bypass. The people may have bodies that like to build up fat anyway, especially in the last two. Even if this is true, however, it at least means that some people are effected by BPA; in fact, it may be those who can least afford it.

There was a wide variety of effect of BPA (i.e. some patient's tissues were sensitive to it and others weren't). However, on average, BPA was more potent than estradiol at equimolar doses (that's an equivalent dose based on the number of molecules, not weight, for those of you who didn't take or don't remember chemistry). Yikes!

Anyway, here's the kicker. The levels were environmentally relevant. 1-10 nM are common in people (some up to 20 nM). The study found effects at 0.1 and 1.0 nM. Good 'ole plastics. Is there anything they can't do?

PS Here's my water bottle advice.


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Welcome back.

I was worried this place had died.

As soon as I traded in the plastic water bottles for stainless steel bottles, I read about potential nickel issues with stainless steel in water bottles, s/s cookware. Know anything about that?

I'm not going to make any changes in my s/s usage yet, but I am keeping my ear to the rail to learn more about if nickel is a significant issue to consider or not. But if it's like plastics, it will be another 20+ years at least before we'll know, right?

I'm not bothering with the new BPA-free plastics because who knows what the risks are of the new formulas.

I've also traded out a lot of my plastic food storageware for tempered glass containers with silicon sealed leakproof plastic snap-top lids (I figure there's generally less contact with the lid (greenlock by snapware is the brand). I really like these because they are rectangular, stack well, and make better use of angular cabinet and fridge space than round containers, are really clear and display the contents better ( the males in my household who suffer from "refrigerator blindness" are better at finding items now, sometimes even in the second row back), and are nice for serving at the table. I don't reheat in the microwave much anymore, but microwaving can be done with these. But they are not approved for regular oven/range or toaster oven use.

The only downside I've experienced is storing the empties - the small rectangular size nests into the medium size, but the medium doesn't nest into the large (you'd think they could have managed a very slight dimension difference to accommodate that). So I nest the empty smalls in both of the empty larger sizes and stack them in a cupboard (though most of the time they are in use holding food). So far no breaks or chips, even with a clumsy 4th grader in the house and hard countertops. And I found them at both a big box houseware/kitchenware store (with 20% coupons but slightly higher regular prices) and at one of the local grocery stores near the food wrap section.

welcome back.

so riddle me this; if BPA is potent on an equimolar basis with estrogen, surely you must accept that it cannot be acting through the estrogen receptors ?


The only downside I've experienced is storing the empties - the small rectangular size nests into the medium size, but the medium doesn't nest into the large (you'd think they could have managed a very slight dimension difference to accommodate that).

The only söve downside I've experienced söve is storing the empties - the small rectangular söve size nests into the medium size, söve but the medium doesn't nest söve into the large (you'd think they could söve have managed a very slight söve dimension difference to accommodate that).

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doesn't nest söve into the large (you'd think they could söve have managed a very slight söve dimension difference to accommodate that).

al? BTW, is it really true that terrestial stations pay nothing?

doesn't nest söve into the large (you'd think they could söve have managed a very slight söve dimension difference to accommodate that).

al? BTW, is it really true that terrestial stations pay nothing?...

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The only söve downside I've experienced söve is storing the empties - the small rectangular söve size nests into the medium size, söve but the medium doesn't nest söve into the large (you'd think they could söve have managed a very slight söve dimension difference to accommodate that).

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