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Rhett Allain

Posts by this author

June 5, 2009
In this WEEK in TECH episode 197 there was a pretty good discussion about education and the university system. In case you are not familiar with TWiT, it is a tech-based podcast with Leo Laporte (from the old Screen Savers show). If you want to listen to their discussion, it starts about half-way…
June 3, 2009
I haven't seen the Pixar Movie "Up" yet, so don't spoil it for me. I have, however, seen the trailer. In my usual fashion, I have to find something to complain about. There is this scene where the old man releases balloons out of the house. What is wrong with this scene? Also, would that be…
June 1, 2009
So, there is this Science Blogging Award from 3 QuarksDaily. Of course I nominated one of my own post - The Physics of Fantastic Contraption. The first stage of the competition lets readers vote for their favorite blog post. This seems sort of like a popularity contest. Then the top votes will…
June 1, 2009
Notice how much I like the word "stuff". It really is a very useful word. I wonder if I did a wordle for this whole blog, would "stuff" be the biggest? Anyway, I have been thinking about this popular Chronicle of Higher Education article Will Higher Education be the Next Bubble to Burst?. The…
May 29, 2009
My brother found this, but he is too afraid of the internet to post something in the comments on my previous post about acceleration and the iphone. It turns out that this too awesome to just be in a comment. It deserves its own note. Anyway, I was looking for acceleration data from the iPhone…
May 29, 2009
Here is another one from a great podcast - Buzz Out Loud. I totally can't remember which episode it was, I listened to a several in a row mowing the lawn and doing outside type work. Anyway, the discuss was along the lines of: Could an iphone tell if your parachute didn't open with its…
May 25, 2009
When I was talking about balancing a stick, I mentioned the moment of inertia. Moment of inertia is different than mass, but I like to call it the "rotational mass". What does mass do? Things with larger mass are more difficult to change their motion (translational motion). A similar thing is…
May 25, 2009
I was wondering around the blogosphere and read some stuff about introductory physics labs. In particular, I was looking at ZapperZ's Revamping Introductory Physics and Dr. Pion's Objectives for a Lab. Both of these are good posts. Here I thought I would add make take on this subject as I am…
May 21, 2009
I made a gamble and my gamble failed. It really wasn't my fault. In the preview, they showed this huge barrel thing dropping on a see saw. It looked something like this: (I could search for 30 minutes for a picture of this online, or just draw it) At first glance, this looked JUST like that…
May 19, 2009
Some of the other blog sites have talked about physics vs. chemistry. It seems this started with The experimental Error blog. Tom at Swans on Tea added a very excellent point to the discussion and the discussion continues at Uncertain Principles. So, here is my take on the subject. Physics…
May 18, 2009
Another electric motorcycle post. (Here is the post on the wind-recharged drag racing motorcycle) This new one is a solar powered motorcycle. The site claims that the bike can go 50 miles on a full charge (from Gas2.org). This is easily possible, but how long would it take to charge with normal…
May 14, 2009
I think the Mythbusters have a wonderful opportunity for educational outreach. Take this week's episode. One myth was to see if arrows fired from a moving horse penetrated more than arrows fired from a standing position. They first did this with real horses, but they said the data was not…
May 14, 2009
Last night was Wednesday, so of course I watched Mythbusters. You never know when a good blogging opportunity will come up. I could talk about the kinetic energy of arrows, but instead let me talk about their episode for next week. I only caught a glimpse of it in the preview. It looks like…
May 12, 2009
Maybe you have seen this trick. Basically, you hold by supporting it with two fingers from the bottom. You then move your hand around to keep it balanced while the stick is vertical. It is really not as hard as it looks. Also, there are two things that can make your job easier. Use a longer…
May 7, 2009
Time Warp is this Discovery channel show that makes slow motion videos of stuff. Not too bad of a show (although I already talked about the samurai guy and "waves of energy"). Professor splash is this guy that jumps from really high positions and lands in 1 foot of water (and doesn't die). He was…
May 6, 2009
I probably should have included this idea on my "All about science" blog post. Maybe I didn't put it in there because if I talk about what science is you can figure out what it is not. Science is not math Science is all about making models. It is true that many current models are mathematical…
May 5, 2009
I just realized that something has been bothering me. It is this KillaCycle - the electric zoom-fast motorcycle that I posted about previously. It clearly is super fast. However there are two claims that seem iffy. It can be recharged in 4 minutes. It is recharged by wind power. It may be…
May 4, 2009
I got a great question (several actually) from the students participating in the Adopt a Physicist program. The question went something like this (not a direct quote): Why is it that the stuff we study in physics class is 100 year old stuff? I am sure the students phrased this better than that,…
May 2, 2009
So, I am mowing the lawn. What to do better than thinking while I mow? Sometimes mowing is no fun. It is just a type of maintenance. How much of what we do is maintenance? I first thought about this when I was thinking about getting a new car. Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to get…
May 2, 2009
There are a couple of things I should probably not talk about. One of them is photons. But no matter what you think about photons you will probably agree that this is not a very good description of electromagnetic radiation. (from comos4kids.com) Structure of Energy:All EM energy waves travel at…
April 30, 2009
Announcement: There is a ton of extra money for education of teachers. You should submit a grant proposal. Hey, let's submit a proposal and get laptops for a whole bunch of students. To me, this is like giving morphine to people with the flu. It will make them feel better, but doesn't really fix…
April 30, 2009
ZapperZ already beat me to this, but if it is worth doing once it is worth doing again. Here is a video of an electric motorcycle that can apparently go from 0 to 60 mph in 1 second. What acceleration would this have? If you want, you can look at my stuff on kinematics, but this case is pretty…
April 28, 2009
In the second Cat in the Hat book (I think it is the second one), the Cat reveals that he has more smaller cats under his hat. They are labeled A - Z with Z being so small you can't even see. Question: What is the sequence of sizes for successive cats? How big would Cat Z be? Here is the first…
April 26, 2009
It's odd that I have talked about these forces so much. First, I talked about how centrifugal forces were not real and the difference between centrifugal and centripetal forces. Then I talked about how sometimes, fake forces are good. Finally, I talked about the origin of the words centrifugal…
April 24, 2009
A student in my office temporarily confused the words centripetal and centrifugal. This started me thinking about these two words. They mean different things, but do sound and look similar. I have previously talked about the difference between fake and non-fake forces, but let me quickly define…
April 24, 2009
I have already indirectly talked about this before, but I see it more and more. Say you have a show. It has to be more than entertaining, it has to educational. How do you make things educational? Describe the physics behind the concepts - right? Fine. How do you explain stuff? It's simple…
April 22, 2009
Some time ago I was looking for materials to possibly build a foucault pendulum. Of course the first step is google. There was a site that suggested two old issues of Scientific American, and it happens that we have tons of old Scientific Americans in the store room. I found the two that I…
April 21, 2009
I am not sure if First Excited State posted this as a blog entry, but it was mentioned on twitter. Question: why are sparks blue? My first gut response was that this is the blackbody color. Wrong for several reasons. The short answer is that sparks are blue because of the colors given off from…
April 21, 2009
First: Car Talk is awesome. I wish I could come up with some class activities that help students become as good at trouble shooting and critical thinking as Tom and Ray are. Anyway, they are quite entertaining. So, my Dad called and told me he heard a discussion on Car Talk about the effect DC to…
April 16, 2009
I have been meaning to write about this for quite some time. Really, I wanted to reply to Chad's article on science at Uncertain Principles, but you know how things go. So, here are my key and interesting points about science in random order. Science is all about models (not ball bearings)…