
Profile picture for user tqa
Mike Dunford

Posts by this author

June 9, 2006
If all goes according to plan, this post should appear right about the time that this blog "goes live." (And if all doesn't go to plan, the delete feature works just fine, so no worries there.) That being the case, this is probably going to be the first post that my readers see, so I'd like to take…
June 8, 2006
Razib has two interesting posts up at Gene Expression (1,2) that touch on something related to my own research: the question of whether or not "species" are really "real" biological entities, or just artificial groupings that humans use to make the world easier to understand. Razib has, he admits…
June 8, 2006
By now most of you will have heard about 1LT Ehren Watada, the army officer who is refusing to obey an order to deploy to Iraq. This is an issue that's getting a fairly large amount of play on the various blogs, and it's stirring up strong emotions on both sides of the political spectrum. (One look…
June 7, 2006
It's amazing how often doing good science walks hand in hand with looking like a bloody fool. It's entirely possible that doing something that looks absolutely insane is a necessary step in the development of a decent scientist (if so, there are many good scientists who never escape this stage).…
June 5, 2006
Last week, back at the old joint, I wrote a post about an issue that had come to my attention after reading an article at Dispatches from the Culture Wars. This particular issue involved an assault on religious freedom that was coming from the branch of the Veterans Administration that is…